This is maybe one of the more important ‘seed’ moments in the history of Capricorn ingresses. The Uranus Pluto square has one more hit to go on 15 March but Uranus stations on the 2014 Capricorn ingress and is very much applying by square to Pluto. So whatever seeds are sown at this point in time, there must be an element of global reform to be considered. One must question if they are sowing seeds on fertile ground or will the future sweep away all hopes and dreams in the shape of change?
Note that the Sun, mercury, Pluto and Venus respectively occupy Capricorn. The Moon (representative of the people) at 28 degrees of Sagittarius trails almost out of synch. Saturn at 29 degrees of Scorpio is about to enter Sagittarius briefly but will dip back into Scorpio later in the year. So even now you may not be able to see clearly the structures that have been built out of sight of the general public. Maybe when Saturn leaves Scorpio you might get a small glimpse before it is taken away again, only to be revealed later when it is too late to get ready or do anything about it.
The general population are out of touch with the changes that are about to happen.
There is perhaps just a little time for the late comers to make preparations for what must emerge at the Aries ingress and flower into the new astrological year. In short there is little time to get in front of the curve and protect yourself from harsh times ahead.
Transiting Venus and Pluto conjunct the Natal Sun of the UK 1801 chart. The UK debt, when added together, amounts to about 900% of GDP, similar to that of the German Weimar Republic. The debt is impossible to pay off and the austerity measures are not even matching the interest payments (expressed by the UK government as the deficit). Quantitative Easing (QE) simply gave money to the banks and cannot continue indefinitely. But the debt problem is not just the UK. Pluto resides around the world axis where many national charts have their Sun. This is a world debt that can only be solved with a global solution. Hence the powers that be have worked towards what has been termed as the global financial reset.
The petrodollar has all but gone. The reserve currency will soon be a basket of currencies including the Chinese and Russians. Fiat currencies will be hardest hit in the transition including the US, the EU and subsequently the UK. Not enough people in the UK are even aware of what is going on and are ill prepared to deal with the fallout.
Mars in transit is applying by conjunction to natal Venus in the UK 1801 chart. Perhaps this indicates the growing activity of gathering together ones resources but the question is where? Putting money in a bank is hardly safe if the bank’s liquidity is wiped out by a stock market crash. The bank will then ‘bail in’ your money. And even if you take all your money out and stick it under the mattress, if the bank doesn’t get you - hyperinflation will.
Jupiter in transit is at 22 degrees of Leo applying to the Natal Saturn by conjunction. In what will be an election year for the UK there will be questions about where society is going. It is unfortunate that the political parties, probably very well versed in what they are not telling everyone else, will give you all the old twaddle about what makes Britain great, people want change, the present economic strategy is working and how voting will somehow make your life better. It won’t. No political party can dig one country out of a global hole by barely paying off the interest on a loan or taxing the rich by a few measly million quid.
In short the UK public are being lied to by politicians working for corporations and business (not the people) or the politicians we are expected to vote for (who will continue to work for corporations and business (not the people)) are deluded, incompetent and out of touch with global reality. Remember this when the canvassers turn up on your doorstep and give you a load of ideological guff about policies that will change nothing.
Transiting Uranus applies to the UK North Node. Uranus in Aries is a pioneer. We are looking at new change and the UK will need to focus on how it has to change to meet the new conditions. Transiting Neptune has passed Natal Pluto but it still hangs around by making a conjunction with secondary Pluto. The scandals of sex, paedophilia , MPs expenses, Bosses bonuses, bank fraud, LIBOR scandals and the rest of the fraudulent and seedy behaviour should be at the back of the minds of every electorate. The way the entire system operates smacks of systemic abuse and dysfunction. It is the system that must change before MPs can really make a difference to the people they are really supposed to be representing.
Perhaps the most important message to come out of the Capricorn ingress in 2014 is to consider what it means to ‘plant the seeds’. In some ways it is not so far from the notion of a New Year’s resolution. The difference is that you have to formulate a New Year’s resolution before you can act upon it. If you wait to think of one until January 1st you are already too late; it might be a January 2nd resolution instead. In other words it will be too late.
Now is the time to look ahead and make plans for what you want to do with your life but the transits in the sky suggest that you also need to be very aware of the way the world is about to change. If you don’t know what I am talking about you should perhaps become more familiar with my previous blogs on Barbault. Look up global financial reset on a search engine. Look up the works of William Stickevers and Theodore White. What is coming is not new but it is amazing how many people have no idea what is coming.