Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Capricorn Ingress 2014

This is maybe one of the more important ‘seed’ moments in the history of Capricorn ingresses. The Uranus Pluto square has one more hit to go on 15 March but Uranus stations on the 2014 Capricorn ingress and is very much applying by square to Pluto. So whatever seeds are sown at this point in time, there must be an element of global reform to be considered. One must question if they are sowing seeds on fertile ground or will the future sweep away all hopes and dreams in the shape of change?

Note that the Sun, mercury, Pluto and Venus respectively occupy Capricorn. The Moon (representative of the people) at 28 degrees of Sagittarius trails almost out of synch. Saturn at 29 degrees of Scorpio is about to enter Sagittarius briefly but will dip back into Scorpio later in the year. So even now you may not be able to see clearly the structures that have been built out of sight of the general public. Maybe when Saturn leaves Scorpio you might get a small glimpse before it is taken away again, only to be revealed later when it is too late to get ready or do anything about it.

The general population are out of touch with the changes that are about to happen.

There is perhaps just a little time for the late comers to make preparations for what must emerge at the Aries ingress and flower into the new astrological year. In short there is little time to get in front of the curve and protect yourself from harsh times ahead.

Transiting Venus and Pluto conjunct the Natal Sun of the UK 1801 chart. The UK debt, when added together, amounts to about 900% of GDP, similar to that of the German Weimar Republic. The debt is impossible to pay off and the austerity measures are not even matching the interest payments (expressed by the UK government as the deficit). Quantitative Easing (QE) simply gave money to the banks and cannot continue indefinitely. But the debt problem is not just the UK. Pluto resides around the world axis where many national charts have their Sun. This is a world debt that can only be solved with a global solution. Hence the powers that be have worked towards what has been termed as the global financial reset.

The petrodollar has all but gone. The reserve currency will soon be a basket of currencies including the Chinese and Russians. Fiat currencies will be hardest hit in the transition including the US, the EU and subsequently the UK. Not enough people in the UK are even aware of what is going on and are ill prepared to deal with the fallout.

Mars in transit is applying by conjunction to natal Venus in the UK 1801 chart. Perhaps this indicates the growing activity of gathering together ones resources but the question is where? Putting money in a bank is hardly safe if the bank’s liquidity is wiped out by a stock market crash. The bank will then ‘bail in’ your money. And even if you take all your money out and stick it under the mattress, if the bank doesn’t get you - hyperinflation will.

Jupiter in transit is at 22 degrees of Leo applying to the Natal Saturn by conjunction. In what will be an election year for the UK there will be questions about where society is going. It is unfortunate that the political parties, probably very well versed in what they are not telling everyone else, will give you all the old twaddle about what makes Britain great, people want change, the present economic strategy is working and how voting will somehow make your life better. It won’t. No political party can dig one country out of a global hole by barely paying off the interest on a loan or taxing the rich by a few measly million quid.

In short the UK public are being lied to by politicians working for corporations and business (not the people) or the politicians we are expected to vote for (who will continue to work for corporations and business (not the people)) are deluded, incompetent and out of touch with global reality. Remember this when the canvassers turn up on your doorstep and give you a load of ideological guff about policies that will change nothing.

Transiting Uranus applies to the UK North Node. Uranus in Aries is a pioneer. We are looking at new change and the UK will need to focus on how it has to change to meet the new conditions. Transiting Neptune has passed Natal Pluto but it still hangs around by making a conjunction with secondary Pluto. The scandals of sex, paedophilia , MPs expenses, Bosses bonuses, bank fraud, LIBOR scandals and the rest of the fraudulent and seedy behaviour should be at the back of the minds of every electorate. The way the entire system operates smacks of systemic abuse and dysfunction. It is the system that must change before MPs can really make a difference to the people they are really supposed to be representing.

Perhaps the most important message to come out of the Capricorn ingress in 2014 is to consider what it means to ‘plant the seeds’. In some ways it is not so far from the notion of a New Year’s resolution. The difference is that you have to formulate a New Year’s resolution before you can act upon it. If you wait to think of one until January 1st you are already too late; it might be a January 2nd resolution instead. In other words it will be too late.

Now is the time to look ahead and make plans for what you want to do with your life but the transits in the sky suggest that you also need to be very aware of the way the world is about to change. If you don’t know what I am talking about you should perhaps become more familiar with my previous blogs on Barbault. Look up global financial reset on a search engine. Look up the works of William Stickevers and Theodore White. What is coming is not new but it is amazing how many people have no idea what is coming. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Hope: A Political Currency

On the back of the recent US mid term elections, where the incumbent President, Barrack Obama, found himself surrounded by unsympathetic Republicans, one has to go back to look at the reasons why Obama was elected in the first place. And I believe that the overwhelming reason for his election was the hope that this new kid on the block could make a difference. There was hope.

Fast forward six years and that hope is all but gone. The fickle nature of “what’s in it for me” voters changing their colours faster than a chameleon rushing to back the next ‘hope’ for a better future, while disenfranchised Democrat true believers live in apathetic unwillingness to stand up for the ideology they once endorsed so enthusiastically.

Hope. Almost like a Keynesian aspiration of ‘animal spirit’ that drives consumer confidence; so the politicians tap into it like an opiate, attempting to leech out every last drop of it from the mistrusting electorate. And now politicians clamber over each other in their attempt to rationalise why, within their ideological political bubble, the drugs don’t work anymore?

Here in the UK, as I believe is typical of the entire Western world, people have grown weary of empty promises, endless spin, mendacity and meaningless bickering between parties. Throw in a few paedophiles, some financial scandals and the odd corporate outrage and there is not much room for the ordinary people. Recently in the US there was a report that implied that the country was no longer a democracy but an oligarchy. I believe much could be said for most countries in the Western World.

It astounded me when I heard a politician suggest that ‘hope’ was somehow the primary ingredient to making a successful government. It was Charles Kennedy, former leader of the Liberal Democrats in the UK, who said on the TV programme ‘Question Time’ that politicians needed to offer the people hope. The original questioner had asked if the main political parties believed that they were in crisis. Every politician preferred to use the word ‘challenge’ rather than crisis; semantics already confirming an accusation yet to come.

Prior to this, the general mood of the people reflected the current grievances surrounding unmanaged immigration, politicians being out of touch with the people and how much they did not listen.

The Conservative minister for housing, Brandon Lewis even paid lip service, as so many politicians do, that they needed to listen to the people.

A member of the audience observed that people don’t relate with the party political leaders Miliband (Labour), Cameron (Conservative) or Clegg (Liberal Democrat). He went on to say that this is the reason why UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) has become so popular. Indeed one of the reasons why it was suggested that UKIP was so popular is because its leader, Nigel Farage, was able to speak plainly and without political party twaddle.

Douglas Alexander (Labour) then gave us a fantastic example of that very twaddle. by saying,

“The party that will prevail in the general election in six month’s time will be the party that can most convincingly capture the sentiment for change because what is ubiquitous every part of this country is a desire for change to move on from the sense of pessimism and anxiety that people fear today.”

On the basis of this kind of delivery, you can understand why there is no hope to be found among the main political parties of the UK.

People do not go to work to earn hope. They cannot get the weekly shopping and pay for it with a wallet full of hope. They cannot keep a roof over their head with hope. The promise of ‘jam tomorrow’ has been promised once too often.

Abraham Maslow created a useful model that he named the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. On the very top was food, water, warmth, shelter. These are some of the most basic needs and, curious though it might appear to politicians, hope is not on the list. None of these, incidentally, appear on the top of any corporate businesses list; The top of their hierarchy of needs is just one word - profit.

In 2014, the general population is looking to politicians to help them obtain the most basic of needs. In contrast, the current Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition are not addressing it. Food prices go up, utilities of electricity and gas go up, house prices soar beyond reach and rents outrun wages. Welfare benefits slashed and - not to leave out the water (which also goes up) - support of fracking in the face of fierce opposition from the majority of the UK electorate.

And what do they tell us? They said jobs are up and taxes have been cut. And yet in relative terms that means nothing to the person who is not in work or to the person on a minimum wage where no amount of tax cuts will make a difference, or to the rent payer whose rent has risen beyond their ability to pay. Hope does not live in a society where there is no living wage.

Mr Brandon Lewis and all of his Conservative colleagues can listen but it is not enough to listen if the ideology they hold does not allow them to understand that only an egalitarian society can produce a stable and healthy society. Politicians need to be able to act  and respond positively to the needs of the people and not to the needs of their ideology or those of the corporations who are really running the country.

In some ways I suspect that Douglas Alexander is right but I truly wish that he was not. The party that will prevail will, as every government in the Western World is doing, sell some pie in the sky hope for change where the only real change will be who the taxpayer pays to do nothing meaningful to our country.  So the best that I can hope for is another hung Parliament where we pay different people to do nothing good as usual.

What Mr Alexander described as the sense of pessimism and anxiety cannot be washed away by some forlorn hope. No matter what government is formed, austerity will continue, the European recession that is just around the corner now will deepen the economic crisis experienced around the world. No amount of hope can change this. Only the reform of money and the way we do banking can change this.

No amount of hope, it would seem, is going to stop politicians from being led by corporate interest rather than by the people. As Mark Twain said, if voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it, proving that the oligarchy has been around for decades and they simply dress it up as democracy.

Politicians are fed by civil servants - by ‘Sir Humphreys’, alluding to a popular TV programme ‘Yes Minister’ that encapsulates how the young enthusiastic politician is gradually sucked into the quagmire of the political system, only to swim helplessly in ever deepening bureaucracy.

For example, recently there has been attempts to appoint an appropriate person to head an enquiry into paedophilia within the political establishment. So far two appointees have had to resign because they are also part of the same establishment and could not be seen to be independent. A bright lad in the audience on the same Question Time programme suggested that the appointee should be from another country - brilliant suggestion but begs the question why the government or their advisers did not come up with it sooner. But it does point the finger at the system behind the politicians as a huge part of the problem.

The same kind of problem with the system is what has stifled the plans Barrack Obama had for the United States. His programmes have been filibustered more times than any other President in history. For what is supposed to the most powerful country in the world, it’s people are fed crumbs from the trickle down policies led by the oil, gun, pharmaceutical , financial and military corporate machines.

There is no hope while corporations strangle governments and nations in pursuit of profit and main stream media cannot report the difference between what we need to hear and what the corporations that own them want us to know. In my opinion this is not true journalism and there should be an international law defining the distinction between what is corporate or state sponsored reporting and what is independent journalism.

With the US Dollar and the Euro in serious trouble, there is nothing that politicians can offer us that will give hope. And yet, as we who seek beyond the lies, know what is just around the corner now, the politicians do not offer us the truth either. Charles Kennedy said on the programme mentioned above that the electorate needed to be treated as adults but I see no evidence of it here. So many of the electorate are left in the dark because governments do not tell them the truth, the electorate has no interest in current affairs or because there is absolutely no main stream ‘independent’ media reporting it.

Is it any wonder that if hope is the currency of politicians - and in times of austerity and need, the currency of people is money - the solution is that politicians have to be able to give people the hope of money... and then deliver it. Clearly this is not going to happen any time soon.

This is why the task that everyone must bend their efforts towards is reform of money and the system in which it operates. 

It took thousands of ordinary people, the electorate in the UK to force politicians to hold a debate on ‘Money creation’. 38 degrees was instrumental in managing the petition that led to the historical debate that has not occurred for 170 years. It found that 7 out of 10 politicians believed that only the government can create money, when in truth 97%  of money is created by banks in the form of loans.

Now if our politicians do not know this simple truth, what hope could there be for any meaningful reform? In fact what hope is there for any of us if our political elite are not in command of the most fundamental basics of economics?

Hope does nothing without results. Politicians need to change their currency by changing our currency. In short, they will get enough hope to be elected on when we get enough money to live on.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

An Email from David Cameron

I just received an email from Prime Minister David Cameron with the heading ‘We can’t throw it away’; that’s it son, put in the fear factor.

He says,

‘For four years the British people have worked hard to raise our country out of recession - and we are now growing faster than any other major advanced economy in the world, with record numbers of people in work’.

What he means is, for four years the British people have paid the price for the failures of the banks and the tax avoidance of big businesses, gone through austerity measures, seen local councils pare their services to the bone and still the national debt grows. The other countries are in big trouble but I don’t want you to realise that it doesn’t matter who gets in power, the great depression that is to come is inevitable. Meanwhile the record numbers of people in work are people on part time hours, zero hours contracts and while everyone gets no more than a 1% pay rise we will get and 11% pay rise.

David continues, 

‘That means more peace of mind for millions of families - more parents being able to provide for their children.’

What it actually means is more smoke and mirrors over what is to come. false security for millions of families who will be wondering what the hell happened when the Western economy comes crashing down.

Sorry David - carry on.

‘Our long-term economic plan is working - and at the next election, we can either continue on that path or throw it away.’

Well David, by the measure of Mr minimum wage living in poverty, one million Job Seekers sanctioned unnecessarily to scrape a few bob off the welfare budget, affordable housing scarce and rent going through the roof, infrastructure unable to cope, hospitals at bursting point and no chance of seeing doctor this side of the next general election - you and I have very different views on how any economic plan is working. Whatever that plan may be I suspect that it has an awful lot to do with how healthy the banks and the rich are at the expense of the people and their every day needs.

So what are our chances of avoiding this global fallout?

‘We have the chance to make Britain even greater; a place where reward truly follows effort; where your destiny is not decided by where you’re from, but how much effort you put in; where we remain able to provide for the poorest, the sick, the elderly; where morally, culturally and economically our country stands tall in the world.’

OK, let’s skip the patriotic drivel; I’d much rather have a slice of bread in the cupboard than a box load of patriotism.

Nowhere in the world right now, does reward truly follow effort. While trickle down economics keep the poor under the foot of the 1% it does not matter where you are from OR how much effort you put in.

Since the welfare reforms sanctioned the arse off of those less able to defend themselves or able to play the ‘benefit games’ and ruthlessly stopped the benefits of sick people, some 10,000 of whom died within six weeks of this egregious practice; Since appeals against those benefit withdrawals take months to appeal against; Since applications for disability benefits now take more than six months to decide. Where the minimum wage is not a living wage; Where mental health services are shutting faster than ever as councils cut services; Where the elderly are being left behind as more and more services turn to websites and call centres and there is hardly anyone to help them; Where standing tall in the world sits at the very bottom of millions of people’s agenda.

Where we remain ABLE David? Really?

So David Cameron’s vision of how great it would be to live in the UK under the Conservatives leadership is, I would venture to suggest, all in his head. What he tells us is happening is nothing like how it feels among the vast majority of people.

So what about the other lot David?

‘A Labour Britain hardly bears thinking about. All Ed Miliband offers is more spending, more borrowing, more debt and more taxes.

So just imagine what would happen; our government racking up more debt; interest rates and mortgage rates going up; businesses crushed under punishing taxes; jobs leaving our shores; a great nation slipping back into decline’.

This is a really clever piece of spin and shows that the Conservative party actually do know what is going to happen. But let us dispel once and for all the myth that Labour spending more money is going to bring the country to it’s knees. That will happen irrespective of who gets in. The country is already in enormous amounts of debt and this debt has grown during the Conservative term. OK, the have cut the DEFICIT (meaning the interest we pay on that debt) at great expense to the poorest in society but they haven’t even started to touch the DEBT. David does not want you to think about our country’s finances this way because it reveals how much the banks and the quantitative easing has put every country in the Western World to the brink of disaster - a disaster that is being held back artificially but will come back to finish the job in 2015. David knows this. The conservatives know this. Labour knows this. Nick Clegg and the Liberals know this.

There is no honesty in our politics. You know this too David. Otherwise you would have said in your letter that it does not matter who gets into government, there will be a ‘government racking up more debt; interest rates and mortgage rates going up; businesses crushed under punishing taxes; jobs leaving our shores; a great nation slipping back into decline’.

The only truth in your entire email Mr Cameron and you are in the luxurious position of being able to blame the Labour party because you know you cannot win the next election.

But just in case you offer one final lie,

‘The next election is a straight fight: the Conservatives or Labour. There is no third way - a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour. We can’t throw away the progress we’ve made. Instead, we’ve got to continue with the long-term plan that is working.’

Just in case you weren’t aware David, the voter decides at the ballot box. My personal view is that everyone should vote for anyone other than the big parties because party politics is a corrupt and outmoded dinosaur that should be put down to save us all a great deal of misery. But people are creatures of habit and many have so little engagement in politics that they cast their vote based on what you say rather than engaging their interest and thinking seriously about what it is they do.

And I know how much you hated the restriction of a coalition government. But despite their  unforgivable perfidiousness, particularly on student fees, they did hold back the supercilious hubris that the Conservatives could have meted upon us were they not there. So in reality I pray for another hung parliament to prevent ideology from making and already terrible situation even worse.

So Mr Cameron, as far as I can see, WE have made no progress whatsoever. YOU and YOUR rich buddies may have made progress, so it is very clear that only big business and corporations will benefit under your leadership. And I haven’t even started on your dire plans to push through fracking and to ratify the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

But you didn’t mention those in your email did you.

The opening line of your email said,

‘There are just 200 days to go until the next General Election - and it is the most important for a generation.’

This is the only really truthful line in your entire email. I cannot vote Conservative for this reason and for all of the above.

We will be standing at the same kind of cycle in history as was the case in 1974. But this time we will be paying the economic cost of everything since 1974. The economic model MUST change. Banks MUST change. Corporations MUST change. The economic plan without these changes cannot work. 

This IS an important election and I will be voting for whoever is willing to tell the truth or to vote against anyone who cannot tell the truth.

I hope I will not be alone.

Your turn next Mr Miliband.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

New Blog. Please bookmark

My sincere apologise for the inconvenience. Having lost the password link to my blog I got the dreaded 'Access denied' screen and could not longer access my blog.

The old work is still there so please note

So this will be my new blog home from now on.

Message end.