The importance of the years leading up to the 2020 Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunctions is often underestimated. We know, for example, the dates of the start of world wars but not the dates the seeds were planted. Did World War II really start in 1939? Could it have been prevented? And in the light of recent events, how much of the war was driven by the economic conditions the powers that be set for us all the way back to the beginning of the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913?
In the UK in 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister; the first woman to do so. She was praised by the right wing for her actions and vilified by the left wing for the devastation she wrought. Love or hate her, she was the only person with a plan at the time the Saturn Pluto conjunction started to apply. Change was indeed required and she administered that change with such determination that she became known as the ‘iron lady’. Her work did not begin in 1982 but pretty much 5 years before. She had to make plans, gather allies, build a campaign and so much more. We do not owe her a debt of gratitude; we need to assess why it was that her methods were considered necessary by some at all.
So here we are, some five years before a new world order emerges out of the chaos and we are at that very place again. People in the UK will recall the crumbling establishment of 1974, the union strikes, the violence, the year there had to be two general elections. Some will recall the winter of discontent in 1978-79 where rubbish was piled high in the streets attracting rats and other vermin, power cuts and three-day weeks. Are we to expect that, after the last of seven squares between Uranus and Pluto has occurred on 15 March, that the effect of the closing Saturn Pluto cycle will have any less of an impact?
Back in 1979 Saturn in Virgo highlighted employment as the focus of contention. Saturn was also in a closing Saturn Pluto cycle. Just before the 2015 Aries ingress, Saturn has spent around two and a half years in secretive Scorpio highlighting obscurity of plans, closed meetings, structures unrevealed. Saturn ingressed briefly into Sagittarius on 23 December 2014 but will go back into Scorpio. It turns retrograde on 14 March 2015, the day before the last Uranus Pluto square and disappears back into Scorpio on June 15 2015 for 3 months, stationing direct on 1 August 2015 and finally revealing what has been going on behind eveyone’s back on 18 September 2015. In less than one year the Saturn Pluto cycle will be in the same closing stages as it was back in 1979.
According to the planetary cycles, and we cannot ignore the cycles when looking at a snapshot like the Aries ingress, we are only a few months from a fundamental shift in society, only this time the Saturn Pluto cycle is reinforced with the Uranus Pluto square. With such powerful cycles interacting one can only portend how much greater the change will be.
Jupiter is in Leo, applying by trine aspect to Uranus in the Aries ingress chart and sextile the North node. It is also inconjunct Mercury. It has yet to make a closing square with Saturn. We have already seen the audacious greed with which individuals acquire money. We have witnessed how the corporate, the politically bought, the rich and influential rig the system to ensure personal wealth and the belief that this is ok at the expense of others (nothing new there). We are ‘told’ in the UK how austerity measures are working and that the economy is getting better. What we see is how the cost of living gets higher and salaries do not match the increases. We see house prices soar beyond the reach of the Y and millennial generations. For those who can afford it, now is the time to insure ones self against the changes to come. For many, however, there is no money, no security and only three rent (and mortgage for that matter) payments away from homelessness.
The political elite will have us believe that a vote for them is a vote for change (2015 is a general election year and the campaign will be well underway).
Conservatives will tell you that their programme is working and we are paying our deficit (We are not. The government had to borrow money to pay the deficit balance and nothing of what we pay in tax is reducing the DEBT).
Labour will tell you that we are in a cost of living crisis and only they can make the changes to put things right (They can’t. It would take over 400 years to pay off the current DEBT without paying interest on the deficit)
Liberal Democrats will tell you that neither Conservatives or Labour can be trusted with the economy. In fact none of them can be trusted with the economy because they are all influenced by banks and corporations who pay them to allow the economy to reach the impossible debt mountain that exists today.
The most amazing thing is that NONE of the political elite are even talking about the 900% GDP debt that the country is in collectively. NONE of the politicians are admitting that it will take 400 years to pay off the debt. NONE of the politicians are talking about the solution to this problem that the powers that be have laboured over for years and are about to reveal to an unsuspecting public. Why? because they have to crash the present system in order to build a new one and we the 99% must endure an economic depression as a result. If they told us that there would be riots on the streets now instead of later.
But more importantly than just one country, NONE of the political elite are telling their people that this crisis of debt is GLOBAL. How can one political party promise so much without telling us how we are going to be affected by global economic conditions? The absence of honesty is completely breath taking and we have to hold all politicians to account for either their ignorance or their mendacity. We also have to hold all predatory corporations to account for their reckless influence over the lives of people in their pointless pursuit of ever greater profit. No one has ever come up with a safety break; instead we get boom and bust and always the 99% suffer. Only the 99% can make it stop if only they could organise themsleves.
Not until Jupiter goes into Virgo in August (although possibly earlier in late July at the Jupiter Saturn square at 28ยบ) will we start to see the societal structure, as we have known it for the past 30 years, begin to unravel. In the Aries ingress chart, Mercury is close enough to Neptune to warrant a word of warning about what governments would have us believe.
Venus is strong in Taurus but semi-square Chiron in Pisces and inconjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. So the banks are fully capitalised and strong (thank you very much) but the ordinary people have no money to spend. Stock market prices soar to new and ever greater heights on the back of government bonds and debt derivatives. And that is the weakness - it is all borrowed money. The world has tried to get out of debt by creating more debt. But the NEW money has gone to people who are not consumers; therefore all the quantitative easing in the world is not going to revive a flagging world economy. It is possible at the Aries ingress that we will start to see chinks in the corporate and political armour. The stock markets might wobble a bit before the complete crash coming probably in September / October 2015. I imagine there is going to be an awful lot of fire fighting and damage limitation exercises throughout the whole of the 2015 summer. In August everyone is on holiday (possibilities of a recall to Parliament in August?) so by the time Parliament returns and the money markets resume there will be some fierce activity that may finally reveal the awful truth.
But none of this will seem so bad at the Aries ingress; ok, not good perhaps but nowhere near as bad as it is going to get.
Mars in the Aries ingress chart is also very strong and in semi square to Neptune. Activities in oil continue to surprise us. When the price of oil was higher it made fracking affordable. The US has tried to make itself independent of other oil producing countries by the use of fracking. In the UK the government has tried to allow business to explore fracking; there is plenty of shale gas in the UK to do what the US has done. But fracking is dangerous and full of chemical pollutants. The cost to the US has been consistently played down by the political elite because the current global economic system for them is perilous. The UK is no better, completely reliant on foreign corporate investment and supply for our energy. Russia supplies the UK gas and France our new nuclear programme and gas storage. If Russia were to withdraw its gas supply we would be in terrible trouble.
As the US tries to punish Russia for it’s ‘invasion’ of the Ukraine and annexation of the Crimea, the sanctions include driving down the cost of oil. The problem for the US is that Russia has set up a partnership with China and can swallow the lowering cost of oil beyond the point where fracking is profitable. In short the US will crack before Russia does.
Now if the fracking projects fail, all of which have been created on borrowed money and invested into the stock markets, and they go bust - the debt derivative bubble will burst and the whole house of debt related cards will come tumbling down.
...but it will not happen at the 2015 Aries ingress; Mars is still pulling the diseased economy. Venus runs on ahead, appearing to gorge on debt, unstoppable and unsatisfied. It is like a one sided match where the stronger team won the match ages ago and every new goal is an embarrassment but full time has to be played out. No one in the money market will relinquish it’s share of the embarrassment and no one will stop until the final whistle calls a halt to the debacle.
Now we can look at the Aries ingress chart in respect of the UK 1801 chart. Immediately we can see the Moon exactly on the descendant of the 1801 chart. The Moon is our resources; it is representative of the people. The North Node is close to the Ascendant, challenging those in power to focus the country on our relationship. The Sun, by default always appearing in the sixth house, generates an interesting condition for our political elite at the time of an election campaign. They are going to want to show us how they are working for us and what they want us to see as ‘the way forward’. Neptune in the 5th I think will divide the nation between those who are blinded by the lies and the glamour against those who can see what is really going on and are fooled by none of it (a trend that has existed for many years but is about to change slowly as Neptune ingresses into the 6th house). Here is where Russell Brand said on the UK TV programme ‘Question Time’ that if the politicians wanted the people to vote then ‘give us something to vote FOR’.
The Moon applies to Uranus, suggesting that at this particular point there is growing skepticism among the British electorate, implying a strong likelihood that May’s election will not necessarily show a swinging endorsement for a new Labour government (as some expect) but could in fact generate yet another hung Parliament. Labour may win the most seats but only if the cost of living becomes the main focus (the NHS threatens to dominate the campaign). Liberal Democrat hopes of holding the balance of power may be dashed by the incandescent feelings of supporters over the perfidious promise not to raise student tuition fees, only then to endorse the Conservative policy as a quid pro quo to one of it’s own.
Jupiter in transit was recently conjunct the UK1801 secondary Jupiter and moving back to the secondary Sun (both in the 11th house). It also trines the natal North Node in the 7th house. The rise of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) has stirred a lot of radical nationalism among the British populace. In the European Union (EU) elections UKIP won quite a few seats, courtesy of the proportional representation system. In the general election, however, the voting system is based on a rather unfair ‘first past the post’ which was argued for on the basis that it returned strong governments; not so at the last election and possibly the next one. The Liberal Democrats argued for proportional representation at the beginning of the 2010 government term but the people were only offer the ‘Alternative Vote’ (AV) system, which was not understood, hardly proportional in the sense that you would be forced to make second and third choices rather than have your first choice count and not the best Proportional Representation (PR) system available.
UKIP may still find itself popular with the voter at the general election but will find itself experiencing the same disappointment as the Liberal Democrats in terms of winning seats in the House of Commons; but they will stir up British nationalism and possibly some other unpleasant side effects.
The point is that Jupiter in the 11th house appeals to our belief in Britain as a nation. It is a significant issue right now and it should be noted that by secondary progression the 11th house is fully occupied with Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Mars visiting the sole natal Saturn that usually typifies the so called British ‘stiff upper lip’. Jupiter sits at the beginning of this stellium and by transit will work it’s way along each of the planets mentioned over the next few months. So there will be some very big debates over what Britain believes - which ironically may change greatly as it what it believes it knows is systematically destroyed by some inescapable truths.
Saturn in transit is at the very beginning of the 3rd house. A general election is such a nice distraction from global events. You can see how easy it would be for the government to ‘bury bad news’ or ‘inconvenient truths’ from the general public. There is also a danger perhaps that, for the two main parties at least’ there may be a pissing contest to see who can be the toughest on crime, the hardest nut on foreign affairs, the biggest on the war on terror, the loudest mouth against world opponents; politics at it’s worst. Jupiter on the secondary Sun leans towards obnoxious behaviour already. To have it emphasised with a government (potentially) trying to play the ‘big I am’ to the home crowd it is positively dangerous. UKIP is perhaps likely to be the biggest culprit her as it vilifies Europe and insists that those who vote are demonstrating the will of the people to get the hell out of the European Union.
Neptune has now past Natal Pluto and sits quietly on the 6th house cusp, waiting to become the administrative instrument for the new global economic hegemony. Anyone who saw the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s speech at the Mansion House in 2014 knows that Britain has already done deals with China and has set itself up to play a global role in the financial reset that hardly anyone knows about. It demonstrates clearly how the political elite (particularly the likes of George Osborne) does not desire to ensure that everyone knows what the hell is going on. Because if they did there would probably be a linch mob outside number 11 Downing Street in the morning.
Perhaps the most insidious placement in the Aries ingress chart is Venus in transit conjunct solar arc Uranus (freedom of my money). It has been noted that those people ‘in the know’ are already taking their money out of the UK and placing it in ‘safer’ places. I suspect that this will continue to happen without fanfare of comment.Taurus is known for the gathering of personal resource, in ensuring the basic necessities. Is it too far ahead to wonder what would happen when the freedom of Uranus, in terms of 7th house partnerships, moves over to the 8th house of ‘other people’s money’ by 2019? It may be that we will be spending the next Saturn Pluto cycle promoting values other than the so-called British ones.
So what do we do with all this information? The Aries ingress chart of any year is not particularly significant; it is more a convenient point to look ahead in the same way that 1st January New Year is intended.
Mundane Astrology is, after all, meant to be a practically applied discipline. To begin with it may be worth pointing out that if anyone tries to reassure you that all is well with the world and YOUR money - do not believe a word of it. They are either ignorant, deluded or lying. You should not vote for them. If you do you only have yourself to blame when you get the same old nonsense explaining that whatever happens was the fault of the LAST government.
The next task is to become aware of what is really going on. Do not be distracted by petty government elections that will mean nothing to you unless they come clean and tell you what is really going on. Start looking at the financial global reset (there are many to choose from in google) and may look into the selfless work of mundane astrologers William Stickevers and Theodore White; the results of collaborative work may just prove how effective joint effort is in the field of mundane astrological prediction.
Finally, do what Venus in Taurus suggests; protect yourself with the basics while you still have the chance. Don’t wait for others to prompt you. This is a time to quietly make plans and build up your resources for a sudden ‘unforeseen’ (so-called) event. You could be looking at up to two years of unforeseen and you only have about six months from the Aries ingress to get ready.
And as for the political and economic situation? If you are on a minimum wage you might think it is nothing to do with you as you don’t have any money anyway. But you might want to stop to think why the minimum wage is not enough to live on in the first place. For now it is too late to stop the changes in progress - and the next 33 or so years are already structured by the powers that be. We cannot change it now. We can only work to understand it and make it work for us.
But it is not just the global changes that we have to look at. When you start to consider what it is you are about to go through (and in less than a year EVERYONE will understand) you have to start thinking about why it is that 99% of the world’s population have no power to alter the economic background of the planet. The answer is quite simple; most people are not interested. And why should you be if you are barely making ends meet, your focus is mainly on your family and you don’t want to have an interest in politics anyway?
Except, of course, that politics always has an interest in you. You are affected by what these people put into effect. THEY are the reason you will suffer at some point in your life over money, food, infrastructure and all the things you DO care about.
So what you CAN do is be much more discriminatory about where you spend your money and who you support politically, corporately and financially. Look at how many people in this generation are prepared to where coats made out of real fur; hardly anyone because of the cruelty to animals and the attempt to ensure they do not become extinct. Likewise the use of ivory. Collectively we can run undesirable businesses out of the market. But each individual person has a responsibility to themselves and to their family to make sure that companies who do not pay taxes are not supported, that fast food chains responsible for childhood obesity are not supported, that genetically modified food does not take over the world food market, that energy companies cannot charge extortionate prices... the list goes on.
The reason we head towards such an unpleasant change (change was always inevitable but it could have been so much better) is that the mass population stood by and did nothing. This Aries ingress is personal. It appeals to our homes and our personal lives. It challenges our beliefs about global issues. It challenges us to reflect on what we are told in contrast to what is really happening.
You don’t have to believe me about anything I have said here. But just a little digging on the internet and you will see I am not the only one. Indeed experts in the financial world will attest to an impending stock market crash. What you have to decide about is what are you going to do to protect yourself from its effect?
The Aries ingress is a chart that gives you a snapshot of the new astrological year. You will not see what is to come in the planet positions and aspects. You really do have to look at the cycles (see the Barbault scale). Only then will the chart speak volumes and you will realise what this year’s contribution is to the start of a new structural cycle in 2020.