...What might happen after the global economic depression of 2015 - 2017.
Time of writing 17 April 2015
If Uranus in Aries promoted the notion of ‘outrage’ and the desire for radical change, what is Uranus in Taurus set to bring? This article explores the nature of Uranus in the sign of Taurus and links the event to how recovery after the economic depression might look.
Uranus makes its first ingress into Taurus on 15 May 2018. The prospects of a global depression from late 2015 through to the end of 2017 appears inevitable; according to interpretations I and others have made using the planetary cyclic index devised by Gouchon, Barbault and Doolard. The calculation of the cyclic index is now supported by evidence of unsustainably high stock market figures in 2015 and late but welcome supporting predictions of independent conclusions from non astrological sources. In other words I believe we know where we are heading but rather than consider the event as the end of a journey (the global depression is fated no matter what we do at this stage), we should now begin to look more closely beyond the global depression to see what is on the other side and what we might benefit from understanding it.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all complete their cycles with one another by the end of 2020, meaning that between now and then we will experience significant global adjustments to both structural and societal perspectives, thereby setting up the traditions, rituals and practices for the next 33 years at least (to the year 2053). Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter will start new cycles in the administrative, orderly sign of Capricorn. Neptune will continue through it’s own sign of Pisces, implying at the very least that the global subconscious will learn gradually to accept the changes that are presently (and in the near future) trickling into the daily lives of people. Uranus will be within the first decanate of Taurus, suggesting that the chaos of outrage and the initiation of reform (Uranus in Aries) has now past but it in no way forgotten.
The recent Uranus (reform of) Pluto (the status quo) square has just played out it’s seventh and final pass (March 2015) meaning that all the cards for reform have been played. Since the 2008 sub prime mortgage crash all but killed the entire global financial system, governments have attempted to bail out the banks by inventing money from out of nowhere, otherwise known as quantitative easing.
The investment banks caused the problem after the powers that be lobbied governments to ease banking regulation back in the 1990s. The banks then took bigger gambles and risks to the point that their high street lending became reckless. They knew how bad some debts would become but tied them up into nasty poisonous little packages and sold the debt back to the market. When the sub prime bubble burst, those left with worthless debt bundles lost millions. Lehman Brothers was one of the biggest investment houses to collapse.
The financial system was mortally wounded. If governments let the banks fail there would have been severe losses all the way down the system right the way back to retirement pensions. So the governments decided to bail out the banks with tax payers money. But the tax payer is ultimately the consumer that keeps the capitalist machine going and the cost of bailing out the banks raised government deficits to new and unsustainable heights. The UK was already up to it’s eyes in a debt that would take over 300 years to pay back. So when the interest alone was as great or greater than the annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the tax payer got hit again. All the money being created, the quantitative easing designed to stimulate the economy, instead of finding it’s way into the system to boost the economy, just got syphoned into large financial institutions with insatiable appetites for more and more of their market share.
So if the banks would not lend at reasonable rates (because they did not want to lend) and the consumer could not consume, the market would be doomed to collapse. This event, we believe will unfold from August of 2015. There will be a global depression that billions of people, in fact much of the 99%, are not prepared for, despite our best efforts to rise above the propaganda we hear that the UK economy is in recovery. George Osborne tells the UK electorate what the government wants them to know while the Corporation of London knows what is really going on. Both governments around the world and corporate media are being more than economical with the truth.
The 1% and perhaps a few more financially astute people, are very much aware of where we are heading but are not really making noise about it. The world is in the midst of a global financial reset (that hardly anyone knows about but is possibly the biggest news in the world right now) where the US Dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency. Instead there will be a basket of currencies, including the Russian Rouble and the Chinese Yuan (also known as the Renmimbi). One scenario of how the basket of currencies will look even places gold into the basket and it should be noted that the purchase of gold by both Russia and China over the last few years has been significantly high. By 2025 the power of the world will most likely shift from the West to the East. The global financial reset is in part a preparation for that shift.
The old regime will not go quietly. The US has made attempts to go to war with Syria with the Middle East deliberately destabilised. Russia annexed the Crimea from the Ukraine with that area of the world deliberately destabilised. US sanctions Russia - Russia makes new deals with China. Governments appear to be itching to start conflict but the every day people have not only expressed their disdain but are demanding that the world governments stop the same old wheel of starting wars to create debt to stimulate their economies or to justify ever more costly weaponry. Much of the UK debt was accumulated from World War II, so starting another one is entirely unaffordable; but governments would appear to want more debt to fire up a dying capitalist system rather than make the capitalist system work better.
Uranus is placed in Aries at the time of the Uranus Pluto square. Uranus in Aries has witnessed significant innovation and discovery. In the past is has been noted that Uranus in Aries hosts inventions, especially really simple ones like the rubber band, as inventions or discoveries of long and lasting effect. The Higgs bosun, a long time theorised sub particle element was discovered using the large Hadron Collider in 2014, opening up a whole new opportunity to further understand the Universe we live in. This kind of event causes the need to rewrite our understanding of what we knew before in order to establish new paradigms. The same looks to be true today for the idea of changing the way the global capitalist system is constructed.
Some people conjecture that as the currencies are diluted at the consumer end by the influx of so much money from the never ending magic money tree, that the corporations at the receiving end of all this easy money are using it to buy as many assets as possible in advance of the global financial reset; something they could not have done before all this magic money appeared. So by the time all the magic money gets taken back, the corporations will have assets so much greater than before, strengthening the position of corporations over the power of governments to resist them. Whereas the little people will see their small savings and investments reduced in value. So I expect that when the dust has settled and the masses finally realise that they have been hoodwinked and conned, many will be very angry. Even now people are beginning to realise that the tax payer is saddled with debts created by banks while the corporations, instead of making the money work for everyone, help themselves to bucket loads of cheap money.
The seemingly exponential growth of powerful corporate influence has not gone unnoticed. Some people believe that unless we arrest with all due diligence the insatiable greed of corporate influence (a corporation’s sole purpose is to make profit for it’s shareholders irrespective of the damage it creates in the process) the blind pursuit for meaningless profit without morality or responsibility will ultimately bring the capitalist system to the only conclusion it can reach; that one corporation owns the world, and as the money dries up the system strangles itself to death. The capitalist system can only work if money keeps getting fed back into the machine. Corporations do not do that and in 2015 the statistics revealed that the top 1% possess more than half the total money in the world.
So to prevent another government bail out like that in 2008, the banks will be reformed by 2019 we hear, splitting the high street and investment operations to protect the people from further foolishness by investment gambling. In the meantime, the law has changed so that at the next bank failure there will be a ‘bail-in’ by the bank’s investors rather than a bail out by the tax payer. In other words the banks can use the money of depositors to shore up the bank.
I expect that there will be better regulation introduced to prevent investment banks reproducing the suicidal risk taking (and they knew it but had to do it to keep as much of the market share as possible) that caused the sub prime mortgage debacle.
The quantitative easing, as if you didn’t know by now, did not work. It was designed to reinvigorate the economy and all it did was fill corporate coffers, who simply went on a spending spree to buy up as many assets as possible for when the system collapsed again; which they also knew would happen.
Governments are also under scrutiny. Political parties are up to their eyes in corporate influence. The government we elect should be working for the electorate but instead they end up working for business interest. Realisation of this, and the growing disenchantment with the results that always leave the electorate worse off. In the UK the old two party system is being challenged in the 2015 general election by smaller parties, with the likelihood of a second Parliament with no one party holding a majority. The people are starting to see that governments who end up representing corporate interest end up delivering petty and pointless policies and are just as bad as each other.
The media is also undergoing change. Recent reports indicate that physical newspaper selling is fast disappearing with some media chains starting to concentrate more on internet presentation. People are also becoming wise to the notion that the political bias of corporate owned media is not the most ‘accurate’ source for objective and honest news.
Uranus, the bringer of chaos, having demonstrated it’s effectiveness on the status quo by discharging it’s energies through the Uranus Pluto square, and challenges us to free ourselves from old and outmoded paradigms, then moves on and away from the square and Aries to ingress into Taurus, which is ruled by Venus and applies to the second house of our personal resources and values. But given that this event follows immediately from a global depression, what personal resources and values will there be left for the 99%?
Uranus is a transpersonal planet taking 84 years to go around the Sun. Therefore the effects of it are not as immediate as one might think. Uranus will enter Taurus in May 2018 through to July 2025.
Given that we know the energies symbolised by Uranus and Taurus it becomes easier to filter through history for signs of what happened the last time the planet ingressed into this particular sign. If the energies are demonstrated in actual events as we interpret them, we should find something of compatible significance. If not, we would need to question our understanding of the symbolism (or if you are a skeptic you may just see the lack of evidence as proof that astrology does not work - but well done for studying astrology at all).
Uranus and Neptune work as a pair. Uranus is to right wing politics and capitalism as Neptune is to left wing politics and liberalism / socialism. It is easy to see that the ideologies attributed to both planets can play out into the mantra of the ‘haves’ versus the ‘have nots’. As mentioned earlier, Neptune is strong in Pisces, a liberal planet in a socialist sign. Uranus is not so good in Taurus, a capitalist planet in a sign of personal values, which could be described for example as ‘chaos in finance’ or freedom from finance or how about chaos of personal values or, heaven forbid the freedom from personal values.
At the very best we could hope to use Uranus as a tool to reform or ‘reset’ our values. So it is not surprising that the global financial (Taurus) reset (Uranus) is likely to find it’s implementation while this configuration occurs.
So we should be able to see indications of things that have had a global impact in the past with direct references to reform, change, chaos, personal values, finance and wealth. Three previous ingresses should indicate if there is any credibility to what astrology says that Uranus in Taurus should facilitate in synergy.
Uranus ingress into Taurus 3 May 1767
The modern ‘income tax’ is generally accepted as being introduced in 1799. So prior to this event, governments looked for any and every way to pay for war. So in 1767
Britain levied what it saw as an ‘external tax’ on America to raise money. The Stamp Act, a previous and very unpopular attempt to get money, was repealed in 1766 and the belief by the American colonies of ‘no taxation without representation’ (originating from Magna Carta) grew as the British government tried continuously to impose unfair taxes on the them. Instead of the Stamp Act, they passed the Declatory Acts, asserting complete authority for Great Britain to make binding laws. The Townshend Acts of 1767 sought to consolidate the right of Great Britain to raise taxes through the American colonies as they saw fit.
The Acts were met with strong resistance resulting in the Boston Massacre of 1770; a small affair concerning the unlawful death of five men by British soldiers. Two soldiers were branded on the hand over the affair, which was hardly justice at all for firing into a crowd without orders.
The boiling pot of unfairness and resentment grew over who was entitled to own the land of America and the American’s right to govern its own affairs. The consistent attempt by Great Britain to get money from the colonies could be argued as some of the initiating factors that led to the US declaration of Independence in 1776 and therefore the paved the way for the rise of the United States of America
Here we see the theme of freedom from oppressive behaviour and personal values. War poverty and hunger had driven many people to seek a new life in the Americas. It was just as easy to be hungry in America as anywhere else. We see the individuality of a fledgling country determined to self govern and therefore any taxes levied on its people would be for the benefit of its people. The population of America would not all be thinking this way all at once. This was a gradual process of bringing the chaos of disparate minds of people into one focus. It forced people to challenge and examine what personal values they wanted to share as a nation. There is nothing like taxation of personal wealth to bring people together who might otherwise never meet to discuss the values they had in common and what were they going to do about it.
What they did about it, according to British law at the time, would have amounted to criminal activity, rebellion and opposition to someone imposing their values rather than sharing them.
Uranus ingress into Taurus 8 July 1850
The 49ers were there first when Uranus was still in Aries. There was famine and hardship in the world. Hence the massive migration to America to ‘new lands’, as news of the gold rush swept across the world. The event attracted tens of thousands of people from Europe to Asia and South America. Many individuals saw it as a great opportunity to obtain personal wealth. The prospector was the ultimate capitalist entrepreneur, ready to break ties with their old life and gamble their future on the prospect of becoming rich.
But people with nothing were unable to stake claims on prime locations once the big boys came along. The already rich (by comparison) ensured that they became extremely wealthy, able to employ the labour of others. It was an opportunity to accumulate great wealth for the few. The Chinese got the worst deal perhaps. By the time they started arriving California legislature introduced the ‘Foreign Miners Tax’ that punished many Chinese prospectors with a monthly $20 levy. Many Chinese were forced to stop prospecting and ended up working for the new railway and in the service industries.
Certainly the massive movement of people meant the rapid development of agriculture, infrastructure, engineering and services. This was pure capitalism undisguised and up for grabs. The discovery of so much gold would have led to the expansion of banks and safety deposits as much as a boom in goods and services. Gold was already a highly valued metal and the discovery of so much would have prompted its use as a more common indicator of wealth and therefore power.
The sheer chaos of so many people moving into one area put strain on everything from food to clothing. Criminal activity and lawlessness became so bad that in 1852 the authorities had to build San Quentin prison.
In this example we can see tens of thousand of people brought together by the prospect of financial security; individuals fighting each other for something they hold as having personal value. The attraction was the freedom that finance gave at a time where there was evidently poverty and starvation. There was poverty and starvation amount the prospectors but one can just as easily starve in one place as another. The gradual impact of the gold rush spread throughout the world both in the amount of people migrating and also for the growth in stature and wealth of the United States as a whole. Gold created new money, so many prospered as the gold was spent. The land that is now California was originally part of Mexico but had been given up at the end of the Mexico - American war in 1848 along with Texas (or if you think of it another way, Gold then Oil).
Uranus ingress into Taurus 6 June 1934
The night of the long knives in Germany 1934. Hitler eliminates the opposition to clear his way to complete rulership over his people. Sweden is the first country to recover from the global depression using Keynesian deficit spending. The global economy shows signs of recovery but it was an uneven recovery with areas left to continue in economic hardship. Money and economics dominated this period in history, even using war as a conduit to boost the global economy and ruthlessly employ Keynesian deficit spending to finance it, leaving many countries in debt to the point that they have to this day remained indebted.
The world turned a hardened face to Germany while Europe imposed punitive reparations from the people. Money inflated to the degree that you could wallpaper a room with the money needed to buy a loaf of bread. The people suffered hardship, poverty and starvation. They were not alone in this as the victims of the great depression of the 1930s was already global. Germany wanted financial security, which the Nazi party offered. People were prepared to listen to more extreme views given that the old political parties had sold them into penury. Hitler wooed his people with a set of values that sounded so much better than what they currently experienced. Hitler fomented pride in the ‘Fatherland’ before going on to occupy the lands of many others.
Two common themes run through the last three Uranus ingresses:
Land. More specifically, resources and who owns it. In 1767 the British tried to claim America and make money from the resource created by the American people. In 1850 the rich, who were able to invest in prospecting for gold (and the odd lucky person) sought to possess power through the resource of gold and the State of California sought to exclude those they did not believe were deserving of it. Not only that but only two years prior the land was owned by Mexico. In 1934 Hitler sought to return the resources of the Fatherland back to his people and to exclude those he did not believe were deserving of it.
Freedom. In 1767 The people of America believed they had the right to determine their own lives and demanded freedom from British oppression and unfair taxes. In 1850 thousands of people left their homes to find the freedom that comes with wealth in a new land. If successful they would not longer be oppressed by the yolk of poverty, famine and servitude. In 1934 the people of Germany, and indeed all those who suffered in the great depression, sought freedom from the oppression created by the unfair distribution of money and power.
In the capitalist system we choose collectively to decide the values we place on objects , services and even our labour, the freedom we seek to do what we want is inevitably tied to the amount of money we have or can acquire.
So somewhere within these common threads, exist the predictions generated by Uranus in Taurus in 2018.
The Uranus ingress is on 15 May 2018 @ 4:17pm BST just a few hours from a new moon, also in Taurus. Mercury is conjunct Taurus (quick (Uranus) thinking (Mercury) or ‘free trade‘ perhaps). Mars is just out of sign in Capricorn but applies by returning square to Uranus and Neptune is semi square at midpoint between the two. Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune while Saturn in Capricorn applies by inconjunct to the North Node in Leo.
This is quite a powerful and dynamic chart, least of all because the Uranus (capitalism) semi square Neptune (liberalism) is in a hard aspect with Mars (action) that is just separating Pluto (status quo). If there are disagreements of this magnitude between the haves (Uranus) and the have nots (Neptune) then this chart would appear to be a recipe for lawlessness (Uranus), revolution (Neptune) and the need to control it (Mars conjunct Pluto). The North Node is in Leo, where the focus is on the self. The North Node is not only inconjunct to Saturn in Capricorn (administered regulation, structure, restriction) but semi square to Venus in Gemini (everyday finance and standard of living). Jupiter in Scorpio (secret or other people’s money) trines Neptune (equals money fraud) does not bode well for the health and well being of the 99%
There will be lots of money lost through the stock market crash that leads to the global economic depression but the global financial reset will benefit only the 1% in the first instance. Just as examples in history before the recovery will be uneven with large swathes of people and countries not feeling the recovery. The potential for martial law in this chart is obvious but the control is of the people and not the money.
As banks come under more rigorous regulation and there is a break up between high street and investment I think that Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune makes it the perfect recipe to squirrel reserves of money away from the people and the tax man. And yet I don’t believe they will get away with it. Those with fraudulent intent may well attempt to confuse the issue with what they try to present as legally acceptable; the groundswell to close tax dodging loopholes is already gathering momentum. The Jupiter Uranus trine is also an apt signature for tax rises, inflation and bank charges. Jupiter is retrograde, so I can’t see the spending of money going directly to the people.
There is a potential for a commitment to spending on projects like housing, hence the likelihood of higher taxes to pay for it, as it is unlikely that any government post austerity will be holding a surplus sufficient to cover the cost.
Popular sentiment against cost of living pressures alone might raise enough furore for action to be taken eventually; this is usually what happens after violent protests, mass dissent and total discontent. There may also be some unpleasant revelations around this time about money that was thought to be there but is not; there have been questions of the Fed’s gold vaults for some time now. Do we get to see finally that there is nothing there and it has all been one big con?
The chart for the Uranus ingress into Taurus is, I think, worth greater study for those who wish to consider it in the light of circumstances for their own country. Bearing in mind that Uranus in Taurus has the overriding notion by individuals of ‘what’s in it for me’? The self sufficient will fare better than the poor, the dependent and the indebted. The Uranus into Taurus ingress is one of deeper consolidation to look after number one, which goes to the very heart of the nature of corporate behaviour that is destroying the capitalist system and has to be changed from without. Continued syphoning of money out of the economy and into corporate tax havens or yet more assets will invariably widen the gap between the haves and the have nots. This kind of attitude may highlight the very sentiment that needs to change as the Jupiter / Saturn cycle starts anew in 2020 in Uranus’s sign of Aquarius and the possibility to address a new structure that will sit with noticeable discomfort between the predatory nature of corporate acquisition against the wider and more desirable benefit to develop a dynamic globally stable financial system.