Jupiter opposed Neptune through the Virgo / Pisces axis back in August 1849. The uprisings in what was then known as the ‘European Spring’ had ended in failure. Belief (Jupiter) started to evaporate (Neptune) and the notion that Justice was a right (Jupiter in Leo) dissipated as Jupiter moved into opposition to it’s old traditional rulership of Pisces.
Jupiter in Virgo is almost anathema to the wide expansive belief system we adopt without proof (in other words, Faith), as Virgo demands we start to analyse and examine the details of that belief. Think of it as bible (Jupiter) study (Virgo) and wonder at the cognitive dissonance, the extreme interpretations and crazy ideas one gets through the inability to examine a system one believes in devoutly by making the evidence fit the belief rather than the other way around.
Neptune had not long been discovered (1846) and it was the first time astrologers were able to contemplate the traditional ruler of Pisces in opposition to the new kid on the block.
Uprisings all over the world continued, primarily against the governments and people in a position of power. No doubt when Jupiter passed through Leo the leaders of the world demonstrated the kind of hubris (just as they have in 2015) that served only to stoke the fires of revolution. The Hungarian revolution, along with all the others, were now running out of steam and the cause was all but lost. In fact all the revolutions from around 1848 were eventually crushed but the cause that they fought for gradually emerged in a more structured and controlled manner.
When Jupiter was in Leo, in January 1849, the gold rush began in California. The rush to the California hills intruded beyond civilised behaviour into hostility and avarice. The worst of human nature bared it’s teeth in the fight to survive and prosper; The American dream consolidated into madness over a few lumps of shiny metal.
Was this the end of revolutionary sentiment? Here is an extract from a letter by Karl Marx to Friedrich Engels in August 1849,
‘The general situation here may he summed up in a couple of words: the majority disintegrating into its original, mutually hostile elements, Bonapartism hopelessly compromised, ill-will among the peasants because of the retention of the 45 centimes, the wine-growers furious at the threatened retention of the tax on drink, [260] the current of public opinion once again anti-reactionary, in the Chamber, now prorogued, and in the Ministry, reaction, growing exclusive and concerned with expelling the Barrot-Dufaure clique from the Cabinet.[283] As soon as this comes about you can look for an early revolutionary resurrection.’
There was disgruntlement among the poor about the disproportionate taxation levied against them. Marx, of course, produced the Communist manifesto in 1848.
The Saturn / Pluto cycle was a couple of years away from ending and starting a new cycle in Taurus. Uranus was already in conjunction with Pluto and would conjunct on the last degree of Aries in 1850. Jupiter, Neptune and the North Node were in Mutable signs. Virtually nothing was fixed. The first industrial revolution had come to an end; the second was about 18 years away. In the middle was turmoil.
Fast forward now to August 2015. Jupiter and Neptune are again in opposition through the Virgo Pisces axis. Saturn in closing in on Pluto to end it’s cycle at 25ยบ Capricorn in 2020 and Uranus is still in Aries but in square to Pluto rather than conjunction. The world has gone through a technological revolution and the second technological breakthrough will be the robotics of the future (Jupiter opposite Saturn / Uranus conjunction in Gemini / Sagittarius 2031 perhaps).
Money in 2015 is being mined, not through the industry of digging and hard labour. It is being created technologically and has contributed to the credit card revolution of the 1970s. The hole they have dug is so big it is impossible to get out of. It has been aided and abetted by the immoral corporate machine whose sole purpose is to make profit without consequence. The world owes more than it can pay back and this is why the powers that be have worked behind the scenes, away from the media spotlight, to bring about a global financial reset.
But this reset will not be without it’s losers. Just today, the DOW reports a from of 530 points (1000 over the last week in total) that the market received a ‘correction’. But this is not the main event and they know it. Analysts are implying that the trend over the next few months is going to be downward. Some are suggesting that there is no need to panic - but they would say that wouldn’t they? The whole house of cards is built on sand and confidence.
What we have witnessed in the stock market slide, which incidentally did happen all over the world, is simply a taster of what is to come. Pundits point the finger at China’s recent devaluation of the Yuan but I understand that this was as necessary a move towards the global financial reset as it is for the United States of America to rid itself of the petrodollar. There is going to be a new reserve currency made up of a basket of several currencies, including the Chinese Yuan, by around October of 2016 through the Special Drawing Rights mechanism (SDR).
So the US dollar, who will globally have far too many of them, will start getting them all back. The result? the Dollar will devalue and the question of ‘value’ will result in some radical financial shifts by September 2017.
Between now and then we have turmoil. Changes of this magnitude take time, so the everyday stuff is the kind of thing history forgets (See the Marx / Engels letter as an example). But we are about to live it. I have little doubt now that the promise of a full blown global depression is imminent, and if this comes about it further validates the cyclic index developed by Gouchon / Barbault / Doolard et al. Mars and Venus get personally involved in Virgo by October 2015 and Saturn firmly ensconced in Sagittarius by then also. There will be nothing in fixed signs.
Money (Jupiter) opposes Debt (Neptune). The evidence that we cannot repay the debt we have already is overwhelming. The system is about to unravel, not just in the stock market but also in the bond markets. It is inevitable to destroy the old system to make way for the new one. Every government has maxed out it’s credit card and in my opinion, all economic models (Keynes and Hayek included) are antiquated notions to the kind of economy we need to have today.
So you have been warned for years now that this day would come. The second week in October 2015 is seriously beginning to look like that day.