As a rule I tend not to do lunation charts because the bigger picture is always visible within the outer planetary cycles. Therefore one month may provide details but they can’t be valuable unless they are placed in context with the greater view. However, on this occasion I am going to start with a lunation because it offers the individual a chance to analyse what really is going on in the world. It offers a chance to consider the planetary cycles and where they have been leading us for years. It is a chance to examine where we, as individuals, reside in a global system over which we ignore as though it is someone else’s problem. By the time it becomes our problem it is too late to do anything. So as with agriculture in the Northern Hemisphere, it is a time to bring in the harvest and to consider what went well and what went wrong. So if you have not been paying attention, you have an awful lot of work to do.
This article will look more closely at what effect the last remaining planets have on us as they flee the fixed signs and how the Jupiter Neptune opposition plays a significant role in the way world markets fall apart. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius but under the old rulership it is Pisces. Neptune is the new ruler of Pisces, so whichever way you look at it, Jupiter and Neptune rule mutable signs. The signs themselves rule work / service and large institutions / debt. We are about to find out what happens when you can no longer service a debt.
Remember the old adage; You reap what you sow.
Looking back you soon realise that what we have sown this year is discord and debt. It would be nice to offer good news and predict a brighter future but no nice seeds were sown. Therefore we have time this month to consider what we have sown and how we can best be prepared to deal with the harvest it will offer. It doesn’t matter if you took part or not; we all eat from the same table we sit at. Under the capitalist system, especially in the Western World, we invariably sit at the table of money.
Outside of astrological prediction, some the worlds leading economists and stock market advisers agree that it is a case of when, not if, the stock market will implode. We are also aware that the powers that be, the International Monetary Fund and the central banks are involved in creating a global financial reset. This reset involves leveling out the financial playing field in the attempt to do away with the petrodollar and bring in a new basket of currencies to become the new reserve currency. We know that the Chinese Yuan should be accepted as part of that reserve currency as it joins the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) in September 2016. We know that China devalued it’s currency to bring it into a more competitive region. We know that the US dollar has to collapse as more and more US dollars are returned from all over the world. The adjustments cannot be painless and there will be some people who will lose a great amount of money. We know that it is not just the stock market that will lose from between 40 - 55% of it’s value. We know that the bond market is unsustainable and it will be the bond market that throws the world into depression.
The question is when?
On the morning of 13 September 2016, the last day of Shemitah, a New Moon is at 20º Virgo. Chiron opposes the lunation at 19º Pisces. Jupiter 7º Virgo opposes Neptune 8º Pisces. Venus at 15º Leo has just gone direct and is catching up to Mars at 22º Leo. Saturn is at the anaretic degree of 29º Scorpio and will not return to that sign for 29 years. Mercury 15º Libra is applying to oppose Uranus at 19º Aries. Pluto at 13º Capricorn is just in square with Mercury, while the North Node at 1º Libra is set to change signs. When the North Node and Saturn change to Virgo and Sagittarius respectively, by 9 October 2016 there will be no planets in fixed signs. This month is therefore the transitionary period to what Theodore White has chosen to call the ‘Mutable Middle Years’ of the 2010 decade.
The Shemitah year occurs every seven years and is supposed to be a year where all debts are forgiven. While this is unlikely in a capitalist society, it is said that failure to do so can meet with disaster. Evidence suggest that stock market crashes have occurred on the last day of Shemitah frequently. In 2015 Shemitah falls on a Sunday but barring that slight technicality, one has to look seriously at what will happen on Monday 14 September 2015, where the Moon, coincidentally, joins the North Node. If the pattern continues true to form then a stock market crash is entirely possible but not necessarily enough to drag the world into global depression.
On 13 September 2015, in the UK 1801 chart, Pluto sits close enough to the natal Sun and the IC to remain important enough to affect global change. The lunation occurs in the 12th house of hidden enemies, suggesting that the unfolding of events throughout this lunation are not known at this time to the UK or other charts with this aspect in 12th house positions. Jupiter opposing Neptune sit just inside the 5th 11th house axis, suggesting that the impending collapse of global finance is pretty much a joint effort, and one has to say not without a little deception along the way; Mass media has hardly at any time reported accurately on what is occurring in the financial world and literally nothing on the global financial reset. ISIS and terrorism have been wonderful topics for obfuscation.
For the UK, I would look seriously at Uranus, pulling away now from the Uranus Pluto square but applying by inconjunct to the September New Moon (and still pulling away from a trine to Mars). So what hostilities once again override the news headlines while the real story runs hidden beneath the surface?
The Universe has demanded reform through the Uranus Pluto square. Skeptics have expected that (if astrology is to be believed) all that must change should have happened within the time period of the square’s activity. However, if one uses the analogy of bowling a bowling ball from picking it up to letting it go as the active square, the moment the ball leaves the hand to the point it hits the pins can no longer be influenced by the bowler. So I believe that the reforms that must take place have now been set into motion but the result of that activity is still unfolding and we are no longer able to control it’s path.
So the Uranus Pluto reform has left our analogous hand and is committed to executing the required reforms. Radical change must take place but while there are still planets in fixed signs there would be elements of stability that one could apply. But when Jupiter and Neptune oppose exactly on 17 September 2015 followed the next day by Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius, the last of that stability is gone. Jupiter (money) opposing Neptune (dissolving). This is symbolic of money markets scrambling for safety and, with Saturn so close to changing signs, the door is closing fast. Someone else described this a game of musical chairs and the music just stopped.
Sept 25 -27 2015 Agenda 21 becomes “ The 2030 Agenda” in New York, where the Pope will be addressing the 178 countries (approx) at the opening. The original Agenda 21 was officially discussed in 1992 (but we can bet that it took from as early as 1982 to put it together - hence the connection to the Uranus Pluto cycle) but has now morphed into this new agenda to bring it up to speed with what is going on in the world. What one has to be careful of is not to be hooked in by the altruistic notion of ending world hinger for example, because one then has to envisage HOW it proposes to end world hunger. Two simple solutions would be to cull the human race or to flood the world with GMO crops. Either way the rich become richer and the earth less sustainable. In short, there is nothing altruistic about a capitalist system looking to make money out of humanitarian problems. One could almost announce that we have learned nothing of our evolutional development since the Uranus Pluto cycle began. While money remains at the head of what we do, our extinction as a race is guaranteed.
The day after the end of the conference, 28 September, brings us nicely to the last of the four blood moons. The lunar North Node is within 37 minutes of entering Virgo and Mars joins the instability in Virgo also. I expect much talk about strategies and how we can put things right. I expect queues of politicians lining up to tell us that all is well and there is no need to panic. I expect the media to be suppressed but while Venus hangs on to the only fixed sign left, there may still be operational banking as normal.
But just like the 2015 Agenda, the global financial reset is not for the benefit of the people; it is for the benefit of the powers that be to control the people. All is not well but that is what we are being told because, like programmed robots, there are so many people, brainwashed on selected news stories and TV designed to stop independent thought, who actually believe them. For years there have been a select few organisations begging the people to wake up. The success has been limited but sadly there are not enough wide awake people to challenge the changes about to be made in favour of the controlling elite.
If ever there was a crash indication for the financial sector, it would be 8 October 2015. Venus will cross into Virgo by the close of business in the UK. The Node conjuncts Mercury on the Ascendant, highlighting how we focus on trade Jupiter trines Pluto (the masses of money) highlighting the easy movement of money, while Neptune at 7º Pisces midpoints the two benefics Venus and Jupiter; the symbolism suggesting the hemorrhaging of money and financial instruments. This last combination is active on many of the major charts including the US, China and the EU treaty of Rome (Japans export capabilities look to be hit, which in an economy that is already flatlined is like a death blow). To add further to the activities of October 2015, Mars also opposes Neptune - activity on the 12th house cusp - warring within large institutions.
So, whatever occurs at the Shemitah, if there is a stock market tumble and we all think that the worst has already happened, think again. I predict that the instability by October will be much greater than whatever happens in September and we are still on course for a global depression, the likes of which may exceed the misery of the 1930s depression. We will see instability continue for the whole of 2016 and 2017 and in fact for most of Saturn’s passage through Sagittarius.
The need for preparation is now. You have about a month. The UK Independent newspaper ran this article
It says to stock up on canned food. I shared the article with others on social media. One response jeerily responded that scare tactics always worked well and that there was no need to panic. My response was simply this, that if I had a store full of canned goods and nothing happened, I would still have a supply of food that I would have bought over time anyway. But if I had a store full of canned goods and the warning was not just a scare tactic.... who would be eating next week?
I also recommend that you keep some cash at home, just in case the banks go into survival mode (think Greece and Cyprus) and if you can, diversify some your money into gold for insurance.
My next blog will either be a discussion of what happens next or an explanation as to why nothing seemed to happen at all. Will it be a flop of a predition, or as William Stickevers puts it - Kaboom! ?Whether you take my predictions seriously is entirely up to you but I don’t think it would hurt to be prepared.