Friday, 26 February 2016

EU referendum 2016 prediction

Voting on the British ‘in/out’ referendum on Europe will end at 10:00pm on Thursday 23 June 2016. This will be the first time the British population have had to vote on being a member of the EU since 1975.

The importance of this vote will be lost on many but despite Prime Minister David Cameron’s show of ‘getting a better deal for Britain’, the general UK population have no real idea of what goes on in Brussels and therefore have no idea what it is they are voting on.

For many people, especially in the ‘no’ camp, the issues for them are immigration, immigration and immigration. The stress on the National Health service and other services are very noticeable. The British government has no say on it’s borders (Saturn in Sagittarius) and cannot possibly plan effectively for the increase in population. Net migration was recently measured at a surplus of 320,000 and increasing.

Housing is in such demand that no one can afford to live in London. Rent is sky high while housing benefit is capped. People blame the high housing cost on the government’s failure to build more houses but also because immigration is making matters worse.

So the issue of immigration permeates the British perspective.

Those who want to stay in the EU are those who look at trade links, jobs and the joint power that can be influenced over climate change. Then there is also the benefits of have the European Human Rights legislation and the European courts.

However, the continuation in the EU may mean that the UK is dragged into signing the TTIP agreement and may give itself up to fracking and GMO crops in the process.

So this is by no means a simple decision, even if people have little or no knowledge of what the EU does.

The chart of the EU referendum, set for Westminster, has Capricorn as the Ascendant with Pluto 2ยบ away in the first house. The ‘establishment’ presents itself for scrutiny, trining a Jupiter / North Node conjunction in the 8th house. Jupiter in turn has a returning square (albeit loose) to Saturn in the 11th of those being governed and applies by square to Mercury in the 5th house of speculation. Those who are not avid Europhiles but most likely to vote to stay in the EU may do so based on how the Pro-EU camp puts forward their argument. Yet the Pro EU campaign will find it hard to get voters to believe their reasons. With Saturn in Sagittarius there is already an anti global sentiment and with Saturn square to Neptune in the 2nd house of values and income (Neptune thereby opposing a departing Jupiter) much confusion still remains at the point where decisions are required. I believe there will be a huge number of undecided voters who will either not vote or will decide when they hold a pencil in their hand at the ballot box. So for some the result may be decided by flipping a coin.

Mars is retrograde, conjunct the MC and trine to Chiron in the 2nd house. Curiously there was a recent report that France declared, if there was a no vote, that they would open their borders and allow all the migrants at Calais to rush the UK border. France clearly wants the UK to remain in the EU but the threat of yet more immigrants could be enough to scare more voters into voting to stay in. Mars in this position clearly shows that the government is in no position to act if the referendum result is to leave. There is a sequiquadrate from Mars to a loose Sun / Venus conjunction in the 6th house of service. While the people may want to do the right thing there are just too many people who have no idea what ‘the right thing’ is anymore. What they require more than anything else is more information (North Nose in Virgo).

Bear in mind I am looking at the chart for the close of the EU referendum poll and if the people still want more information it begs the question as to whether the result was truly the result of an informed decision. The 4th house, the end of the matter, is in Taurus but without planets, so as Venus is the ruler of the 4th house, we must presume that the result is going to be one that is made with all good conscience - to do the right thing - but based more on belief than reliable information.

So the question may come down to who puts their argument across in a way that influences voters to move towards in or out. The power of the position of Pluto strongly implies that the establishment are firmly in control and therefore a yes vote is desired. But there is a rebellion seen through the inconjunct of Mars to Uranus in the 3rd house of everyday affairs. These are the people disenchanted with the ever growing globalism that robs them of their sovereignty, their borders and the power to govern themselves. Led for many years now by the likes of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) it is an influence that means the result may not be a massive endorsement for the government. In fact I think the result may be much closer than the government would like. The Moon in the 1st house (Aquarius) is sextile Saturn and applies by trine to Mercury and inconjunct to the  Jupiter / North Node conjunction. So the masses want to vote the right way but feel the dilemma between the believe of ‘better together’ grinding against the disastrous situation with housing, borders and infrastructure. What to do, what to do?

The EU result becomes clearer through the lens of the UK1801 chart where Pluto sits at the bottom of the chart and the Sun / Venus conjunction is in the 9th house and applies to the MC. Uranus placed in the 7th puts the No camp in opposition to the status quo. Saturn in the 3rd house and Jupiter in the 12th highlight that the decision on which way to vote is more likely to be based on what the voter fears to lose rather than what they hope to gain. In this instance the fear of change may far outweigh the courage of conviction. Mercury is strong in its own sign of Gemini and is also 9th house. The inclination is therefore to vote to stay with our European friends rather than risk the isolation once again of an Island Kingdom.

I do not believe that the yes vote will be as convincing a win as the government would hope for but I predict the yes vote will win. However, the margin of victory might be as narrow as 60%

There is a tremendous feeling of antiestablishment worldwide, as we plough our way through the Uranus / Pluto square reforms, and if the population were less ignorant of what the EU does and how it works, I would speculate a much tighter result. But the mass media has done enough of a job, I believe, to filter what the elite want the masses to know and understand.

It would be a catastrophic blow to the hegemony if the UK voted to leave the EU. In many ways that result is unthinkable because there is no plan B.

As for me, my intention is to vote out - but I predict the result will go against my decision.