Saturday, 5 March 2016

Solar Eclipse 9 March 2016

At 18º55 Pisces, the solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016 focuses on Piscean elements of water, oil, gas and anything to do with scandals, criminal activity, sleaze, fraud and theft. Pisces covers large animals, big institutions, prisons and hospitals. Consequently there is plenty of scope for something to be triggered in any one of these areas:
Oil is presently at it’s lowest price in a generation as oil producers pump out more than is demanded. Why? because if they don’t their economies will suffer and each nation is paranoid about losing it’s market share.
Fracking was meant to be the way to make countries self sufficient. However there is much opposition to it as it pollutes the water tables and pumps millions of gallons of dangerous chemicals into the ground. But since the global economy has forced oil to be over produced, the cost of a barrel of oil has fallen well below the profitability of fracking. So companies are starting to go bankrupt and the derivatives created by investors into the industry seem destined to lose their investment, which when added up is an awful lot of money.
Banks and corporations are starting to feel the economic pinch with thousands of job layoffs and the downsizing of business. Central banks are now in negative interest rates while banks themselves begin to hoard money within their vaults rather than pay to have the Central Banks charge them to hold it.
We are eventually going to say goodbye to guantanamo bay prison but private prisons have come under some scrutiny where keeping criminals for profit is turning the incarceration of people into an industry rather than a place of detention as punishment.
The National Health Service in the UK is under tremendous monetary pressure but doctors are striking because of dodgy contracts dressed up to look like improvements for doctors but in reality it is an attempt to make certain aspects of health delivery viable for private enterprise. In the US the health care system is also under scrutiny and various interest groups attempt to portray themselves as the good guys while sabotaging any attempt at reform.
Neptune is also the only transpersonal planet in it’s own sign, making the emphasis on dissolving and undermining things a legitimate focus.
In direct opposition to the solar eclipse, within 42 minutes of arc is Jupiter. So the eclipse opposes expansion. Jupiter is the old ruler of Pisces and should be considered in this light. Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo, which likes frugality, analysis and meticulous attention to detail. With Jupiter comes faith and belief systems, higher education, expansion and money.
From the years of quantitative easing we have an enormous global debt. At this point it is clear that taking out more debt does not help pay debt. In fact the whole debt crisis is being played out already, from the moment we stumbled in 2008 with the sub prime mortgage crisis, where we realised that the deregulation of the banking industry was a catastrophic miscalculation and have to this date not paid the price for the greed and avarice experienced today.
Those with money (banks and corporations) who now fear the making of money through investment in anything other than hard assets, are buying up gold, property, national utilities and anything that will guarantee holding its value. Hence stock markets, bonds and derivatives are fast going out of favour and the long awaited for global financial crash and the following depression looms closer. It is not a case of if but when. The rich and powerful have intervened since the point where it should have occurred, hence just proving the point that we can change the course of our destiny by utilising the planetary energies present if we want to. In this case, the rich and the powerful want to get as much of their wealth tied up in safe places before the entire money system goes to hell in a handbag.
Likewise there will also be an attack on religious belief systems. The war on terrorism can continue unabated, especially while Jupiter trines Pluto, which naturally costs a tremendous amount of money, payable to those who manufacture rockets and warplanes, ships and ordinance; the sound investments of those who really run the world and want to make damned sure they end up with as much wealth as possible.
Next to Jupiter is the North Node; a focus on the direction we are heading which has been austerity and care with money for quite a while now. When the North Node ingresses into Leo we may start to see a more stability but by then the rich will be richer and the poor poorer. At the very least we will know where we stand. Now that the wealthy will have as much of the assets they could get, the financial meltdown can happen without it affecting their position in the world.
Jupiter and the solar eclipse square Saturn, miserable in Sagittarius. In addition, the Uranus Pluto square comes into play with Jupiter in trine to Pluto and inconjunct to Uranus. Under the old rulership of Jupiter to Pisces, all the outer planets are feeding into the solar eclipse, with the exception of Neptune that is already in Pisces. So we should see an expansion of reform but not necessarily pleasant. We can expect to see special interest groups try to strong-arm their way into the reform process when it is the special interest groups that are so desperately in need of reform. From corporation to politician, the whole world will be place under the extremely large Jupitarian microscope that is Virgo.
Mars is in semisquare to Pluto. War continues but one must also consider the possibility of martial law where opponents to the status quo in this battle to reform our old and outmoded structures may begin to get the upper hand. One only has to look at the American candidates to see that firstly there is a direct attack on the establishment through maverick and independent candidates and secondly that those same candidates run the risk of being out front at the time of nomination in July.
In the UK there is a referendum on whether the UK should stay of leave Europe. While the establishment want to remain in the EU, there is already a growing movement in opposition that means the outcome of the referendum is not a foregone conclusion. The eclipse demands more and better information. People want to make an informed decision and that means there is a willingness to take part in the process and be educated.
The eclipse Saros cycle 18 south, according to Bernadette Brady, deals with ending and separations. I have already predicted that the UK will vote to stay in the EU (even though in my heart I am leaning towards leaving the evidence suggests otherwise) so while this may appear to be in direct contradiction to the meaning of the Saros Cycle, I would love to be wrong and this indicator gives me hope that I have missed something.
Of course the establishment has control of the media, so those who look only to the main stream media will learn only what the establishment wants you to learn. On the other hand, those savvy enough to seek alternative reporting methods will find that somewhere between propaganda and conspiracy theory lies the truth of the matter. With the eclipse and Neptune both in Pisces you can guarantee that nothing will be clear.
Saturn sits on the Ascendant at Westminster. It is with concern that the eclipse opposes the Saturn of the Duke of Edinburgh while transiting Jupiter is in conjunction. The Duke’s natal Sun is at 18º Gemini, which would make up the grand cross. The Jupiter eclipse opposition is within one degree of his secondary Sun. Jupiter in transit sits on the cusp of the Queen’s 8th house. As the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Phillip, heads towards his 94th birthday there are obvious concerns over his health. The solar eclipse position is a trigger point. When Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria gave up virtually all of her duties to Prince Edward - later to be King Edward VII. It may well be an echo today that if Prince Phillip were to die, Queen Elizabeth may well take a back seat and give the crown to Charles in all but title.
In the UK 1801 the eclipse occurs in the 6th house of service and health. There is a crisis in the hospital where junior doctors have threatened to leave now that the new contract has been imposed on them. Much greater disruption is expected in all large institutions, particularly those where civil servants, doctors, teachers and council workers are concerned.
Transiting (T)Mars in the second house semisquare (T)Pluto in the fourth house implies an active strengthening of values within the family. The paedophile debacle within the entertainment industry and within Political and other powerful circles, covered up and inquiries delivering inadequate justice, has galvanised the general population against the rich and powerful even more than before.
People can sense the corruption and the abuse of privilege creating one rule for the haves and another for the have nots. In fact (T) Pluto is only a couple of degrees away from opposition to the UK natal Moon that the little people will soon take on the establishment to demand justice and rights and equality that they cannot see happening today; this is two years away but leave plenty of time for the injustice to fester and ripen.
(T)Saturn is in the 3rd house conjunct natal Mercury. This does not bode well for trade and every day dealings in the UK. Exports in particular may suffer, which may lead to job losses well before the fear of jobs disappearing as a result of leaving the EU. Further cuts to public services are likely in the Chancellor’s Spring Budget in March. George Osborne had speculated on using pension money to balance the budget but has been warned off. This will further tighten the burden of austerity for the poor and welfare will most likely be in the firing line once again. I anticipate that the growing resentment will lead to mass protests and enormous unrest.
There are only 11 days to the Aries ingress, so one could place this eclipse as an overriding colour to the Aries New Year chart. But it would seem clear that events are going to affect the big things in the world: the corporations, the banks, the large institutions and governments. We have reached a point where all that will be left is denial and misdirection. The money is gone, the debt is unpayable and the corruption is starting to show.