Sunday 20 December 2015

Capricorn Ingress 2015

The crash of October 2015 did not appear to happen. Financial markets are overpriced, gold and silver, suppressed and austerity rampant. This is the legacy we take into the last quarter of the Astrological year.

The Capricorn ingress is seen as the seeds that are sown for the next harvest. The Sun moves into Capricorn, usually on the shortest day of the year (21 Dec) but this year a little later at 4.48am on 22 December; note 2016 is a leap year and the extra day will bring ingresses back again.

Venus sits on the Ascendant at 20º13Scorpio opposing the Moon at 02º17Taurus. Venus sextiles both Mercury 18º05 Capricorn and Jupiter 22º46 Virgo, both creating a grand trine with the Moon. So Venus, finance opposes Moon, the people, when dealing with Mercury, trade and Jupiter, Money. And here is the problem; for finance to work properly there has to be business and money consumed via the masses - that’s you and me. But in order to consume one has to have money to spend. Money is what we don’t have.

In fact, linked by sextile to the Moon is Chiron 17º12 Pisces, which in turn is linked by sextile to Mercury. And Chiron opposes Jupiter. So both the people AND money have a problem and that problem is debt. The IMF recently noted that the UK economy could flounder because of ‘household debt-to-income ratio’ 

In only a few weeks time the US is believed to want to increase it’s interest rate. Most likely the UK will follow suit. Legarde alluded to an interest rate increase in her analysis for the UK. She said it ‘could leave some households vulnerable’. So 2016 looks like a year to save money and pay off debts. Jupiter is uncomfortable in Virgo because it wants to expand but is being told to be frugal. Saturn is in Jupiter’s Sign of Sagittarius, trying to hold it’s structure together but in an expanding environment. Not enough money and everything going up. This could be a serious blow for people overburdened with high mortgages. And bearing in mind that lots of rented properties are buy-to-let, it is certain that a hike in mortgage interest rates will be reflected in higher rental prices.

A few months ago I predicted, incorrectly it seems, that there would be a stock market crash in October 2015. Those holding the power (central banks in this case) have plugged a cork in the dyke of the inevitable collapse for so long I was surprised they managed to shore up the global economy for so long. But collapse it must because the debt to income ratio is so high. In personal finance just a small interest rate rise could be devastating and those who cannot keep up with debt repayments run the risk of losing everything.

Mars 23º02 Libra (square Mercury 18º05 Capricorn) is in an applying semi square to Saturn 10º02 Sagittarius. The Mars/ Saturn cycle will come to conjunction on 24 august, so the period within the closing of this cycle is likely to be bloody and hostile, particularly in terms of the conflict in the Middle East. Saturn and Neptune are also in square, so I believe we can expect a further erosion of structures that would have once defined the 20th Century. 

Saturn trines Uranus, 16º33 Aries, and Uranus continues to apply the square to Pluto 14º42 Capricorn. Global reform is beginning to emerge for all to see, as the structuring becomes clearer. The force of corporate momentum is unstoppable at present and 2016 will see only a further push towards the envisaged ‘New World Order’.
According to the UK 1801 chart, transiting Venus (square transiting Chiron) conjuncts natal Neptune and Trines the natal Moon, creating a grand trine with the transiting Chiron. This strongly implies further battles for UK benefits, disability issues and a further erosion of the National Health Service. Transiting Uranus conjuncts natal North Node, implying a further leaning towards right wing ideology. 

Transiting Moon opposes natal Neptune (conjunct transiting Venus). Debt will conquer many individuals, who will face the ever increasing risk of repossession, eviction, bankruptcy. Those who took on board the warning to prepare and get rid of debt are likely to weather the storm without loss. Getting into debt at this time could be incredibly risky unless you have a guaranteed means of paying it back.

With less money around there will be less consumer activity, With less consumer activity there will be less manufacturing. Job losses are certain. With less employment there will be less tax revenue, which in turn will not service the national deficit, which will require higher taxes. The government has already maxed out it’s own credit card and there is no magic wand to save anything from collapsing. They tried quantitative easing and it failed. They tried zero interest rates and it also failed. There is nowhere left for the economy to run. This is what the global financial reset was all about; push the world into an impossible corner and then offer the only viable solution (that they wanted you to have all along), which is a global financial system controlled by the elite for the benefit of the elite.

The Capricorn ingress chart defines the seeds we plant for the following year. The grand trine of Moon, Mercury and Jupiter (the people, trade and money) demonstrates the economic problem beautifully. Moon is in Taurus, strong and looking to satisfy it’s basic needs. To do this they look carefully at what they spend their money on, which is Mercury in Capricorn, and finally they have to pay for it. Jupiter in Virgo is restricting expansion, looking at what is affordable. Both money and trade are tied by sextile to Venus, the economy, not only demonstrating the issue between trying to bring business and money together but it’s policy in opposition to the people who are the engine behind any economy.

Furthermore, the Sun at 0º Capricorn squares the North Node (which applies by conjunction to Jupiter but only very loosely to the Sun) is indicative of the focus of austerity measures to solve the problem of money. Saturn is still in square to Neptune, further highlighting the problem if debt and the ongoing deficit. The issue of debt is a long term one and how we tackle it may take several years to work out. By the Aries ingress of 2016 it should be fairly clear where the lines are drawn between the haves and the have nots.

Which brings us back to the question of the long predicted economic crash. According to Barbault, 2016 looks like the most likely year for a depression. On February 8 2016, transiting Mars conjuncts the UK natal Neptune while Jupiter (conjunct North Node and in an acceptable trine between transiting Mercury and Venus in the 4th house of home) is in the 12th house of loss. Transiting Venus and Pluto are conjunct in the 4th house of home. Transiting Sun and Moon is midpoint natal Venus, all in the 5th house of speculation. The transiting Mercury is inconjunct natal Saturn (trade restrictions?) with such close proximity to venus applying that one wonders if this does not indeed apply to the banking industry.

The rest of February 2016 looks to be a turbulent month with transiting Venus coming ever closer to conjunction with transiting Neptune, which will be a main feature in the most dire Aries ingress for the UK for some time. Will there be a build of lies and deceit over what is really going on in the financial sector or will we see the gradual disintegration and exposure to one of the biggest financial scandals in history? Certainly with Jupiter traveling in frugal Virgo through the UK 12th house it is unlikely that this will have anything to do with making or finding lots of money.

Moving for a moment to the issues of war in the Middle East, Mars in the Capricorn ingress chart is in the human rights sign of Libra and is semi square to Saturn. This is a closing square which suggests the pressing desire to work towards a conclusion. The UK wants to be seen as a leader in the conflict but in truth has very little influence outside of how the British public is led to perceive it. The recent decision to bomb Syria ( a long held desire by the Conservative government who have tried and twisted every scenario to justify doing so) just adds the UK name to the list. There is no short solution and there will be no significant changes by the time we reach the Aries ingress. Meanwhile the UK government, eager to look big on the international stage, wants to restrict the amount of displaced Syrian refugees and to cashier all economic migrants, will spend the next two years ducking it’s responsibility because the UK is in no position to provide a service for it’s own people, let alone thousands more. While there is money to be made in war the UK government see this as a business opportunity to make money through the use, sale and further production of weapons.

It is curious to note that the trine aspect between Saturn and Uranus, present in the Capricorn ingress chart, will also be in trine aspect again by the 2016 Capricorn ingress chart. This is an ongoing threat of chaos (Uranus) over stability (Saturn) with an ongoing ease. Add the aspect to the fact they are in mutable signs means there is no chance of anything becoming settled for the next year.

2015 will be a year to adapt and keep up with the changes. It may not be a good year to make foundations for the future.

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