Set for Westminster, UK, the Capricorn ingress Sun appears in the 11th house of groups. The waning square of the Moon in Libra (8th house) indicates that the people are in touch with this sentiment and look for fairness and equity within the coming year. The people are looking for peace and an upholding of their common rights.
However, Pluto in a T square with a Jupiter Uranus opposition set up a cardinal influence. Gobal themes initiate with a grounding in protectionist and patriotic Cancer. How the world restructures will decide if it becomes a world predisposed to war or peace. Very large and powerful forces compete to dominate as much of our world as possible. The Sun and Moon are in a waning square. The people don’t want any of the above but are involved in it no matter what. The people want peace and equity but will have to fight the system to get it; and the system is in the process of change.
The Sun trines the North Node in Virgo (7th House), which is a great pointer to where the concern about peace and equity originates. The devil is in the detail, it is said and the NN in Virgo describes this problem nicely.
Currently in the UK, 6 months after the Brexit referendum, not only is there no definitive date to trigger articel 50 to signal the two year extraction from the European Union (even though Prime Minister, Theresa May, insists that it will be triggered at the end of March). The Supreme Court decided in November that Parliament must vote on an Act to be able to trigger article 50 and Scotland disputes the result to the point that triggering article 50 could lead to a renewed referendum on Scottish Independence. Add to this that many other European countries are also questioning their continued participation in the European project. If more countries exit the EU, it would be uncertain if the project itself could survive and one has to wonder if there will be an EU to exit from in the two years it would take to leave. Yet if there is an EU to exit from, no one has the faintest idea how one extracts one’s country from the spaghetti of the EU law it is entangled in. Will it take an Alexander the Great to cut through the impossible knot?
Elsewhere in the world, the global financial reset still rolls on and the world still faces insurmountable debt. The threat of a global depression gets ever closer, with many people now saying that 2017 is when the world economy collapses (as it has been destined to since 2008).
Venus is in the first house and conjunct the Ascendant. Both are aspected by trine to Jupiter and by Semi square to the Sun. One must get ready for an escalation in both financial and military activity. It is entirely possible that there will be a blame game with both sides expecting each other to make concessions. War and money are so interwoven that it feels impossible to separate the cause and effect of one on the other. The people though are heartily sick of it and I anticipate that people pressure will build to demand that governments stop bickering and just sort out the problems. Brexit (and the result of the US Presidential election) are by products of people all over the world fed up with the establishment and how globalisation has widened the gap between the richest 1% and the poorest in society. The establishment wants globalisation and the people do not. After globalisation is halted you can expect a period of protectionism as Uranus ingresses into Taurus (2018).
All planets above the horizon end, by disposit, in Venus on the Ascendant Only Neptune is in its own sign with Mars and Uranus dependent on it. Both Venus and Neptune are first house tenants. Money, fraud, corruption, famine and war are the undercurrents with peace (Jupiter), stability (Saturn) and certainty (Moon) the sought after goals.
Aquarius Ascendant speaks of team structure and the Sagittarius Midheaven of global involvement to attain. Pluto is now half way around Capricorn (here in the 12th house) demanding that the old administration must go. Pluto squares the Jupiter (8th) Uranus (2nd) opposition, challenging the way reform has to expand beyond the tinkering exercised so far; One has to push the boundaries to keep up with the change.
Neptune (1st) in its own sign of Pisces only aspected in midpoint with Mars in opposition to North Node (7th); the focus to actively dissolve / confuse? Mars sextiles the Sun which trines the NN. The effect of this confusion is set to last for the year. Plans are afoot to sow the seed to obfuscate and misdirect. North Node semi squares Jupiter, suggesting every effort is being made not to allow expansion to get out of control but this may be a bit like trying to stop an avalanche (Jupiter waning sextile to Saturn).
Uranus in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra; initiating the ‘breaking down of’ but not too much at once. Uranus also trines Saturn in Sagittarius implying a structured approach to making changes. Conversely, Pluto demands and so there has to be a balance between structured change and the rate of it to avoid total chaos.
Jupiter (Libra) and Saturn (Sagittarius) are in mutual reception by sign and also in sextile; Saturn is exalted in Libra and Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Both are aspected to Uranus. Saturn also squares Chiron. The current societal structure, dragged along pitilessly by a debt ridden economy, is bleeding to death and it can only get worse as the situation escalates. But certain changes are inevitable, meaning that austerity was merely a sticking plaster to what has to come next. Society will have to look seriously at it’s personal financial situation and many will have to make some pretty serious adjustments. Saturn rules the Ascendant, so this will be the leadership (and by leadership I do mean the establishment and not just governments) reshaping the structure of the next Saturn Pluto cycle that begins in 2020.
The Mars Pluto semi square is the closest aspect, being within 2 minutes of arc, implying that this may be a violent year with ruthless decisions and power struggles. Mars is also in sextile to the ingressed Sun. The pressure for reform is forcing countries to action but there is no cohesive effort. This is a fragmented and divided competition to see who comes out on top. Rules made on the hoof by individual bodies, conflicting goals and with Mercury conjunct Pluto (Mercury ruling Virgo where the NN is) negotiation is very much focused on how the new structure is going to look going forward.
UK 1801 chart.
Transiting (T) Venus is conjunct Natal (N) Venus, while T Mars is conjunct N Pluto. Mars and Pluto have the potential towards violence, assertiveness and ruthlessness. Meanwhile the T Moon conjuncts N Uranus; people in chaos, division, every man for himself. T Saturn trines N Saturn, so general day to day activity appears stable, suggesting that chaos is localised to individual crisis rather than group insurrection. Contrarily, T Mars also aspects N Uranus by inconjunct, so the line between challenge and destruction could be tentative. Likewise T Saturn inconjuncts N Moon, so if the prevailing structure becomes too punative or ideologically capricious then control of the people would be lost.
US Sibley Chart
The closest aspect in the US chart is T Uranus conjunct N Chiron in the 4th house, sitting at the individuality aspect of the T square that channels its energy into patriotic Cancer. It may well indicate a country at war with its own identity, appalled by some at it’s recent decisions and calling into question the direction the country is heading. The election of Donald Trump surprised many people but Trump represented an anti establishment mood that was readily taken up by the majority despite some extreme views and, to put it politely, politically incorrect rhetoric. Perhaps if one were to look at this in a different perspective, the people voted by majority (arguable by dint of electoral college v popular vote) to reject the establishment. Some people have reconciled the result by saying that Trump did not win the election but Clinton lost it. I prefer to think that the establishment lost the election because it is the establishment that has caused the pain and hurt for so many Americans. Consequently things have to change and maybe Trump is the right vehicle to voice them on behalf of the people.
T Mars (3rd) trines N Venus (8th). This is perhaps part of the ‘Make America Great Again’ sentiment as the 3rd and 8th house involvement refers to every day activity and other people’s money; ergo business at local level. T Uranus is in the 4th, so emphasis on creating new business at home tops the agenda. How this might come about is another matter, as the T Uranus conjunct N Chiron implies that one has to break down (Uranus) that which cannot be healed (Chiron). The implicit synergy between the two leads to a conclusion that the only solution may be to tear down the whole structure and start again. This bring us back to the who global financial reset that continues to progress in the background.
It is important to stress that Donald Trump has nothing to do with whatever global recession transpires this year. The global recession had been inevitable since 2008 but has been delayed by the failed quantitative easing programme and central bank’s willingness to prop up failing economies and insititutions. I introduce this comment just in case anyone is prepared to believe the establishment when it tries to blame it on the candidate they did not want to win.
US 5:02pm LMT
Changes to house placements put T Uranus N Chiron on 7th house with Jupiter loose conjunct the Ascendant and Pluto very conjunct the IC. In global terms this chart emphasises more closely with the global reforms of the Uranus Pluto square. T Mars (5th)and N Venus (9th) alludes more to foreign affairs and how interactions on the world stage make America Great Again in the eyes of the world. This is particularly important for inward investment and trade; T Mercury sits in the 3rd house next to the IC, separating local trade from international trade.
There is quite a delicate balance that Trump has to make between the aspirations of an inward looking nation (Make America Great Again) to an outward looking superpower. The success of the American economy currently lies with the disentanglement of the US dollar as the reserve currency because it is too strong and hampers trade. The aim is to make the dollar weaker, more competitive with the other major currencies, which will undoubtedly make imports more expensive.
Question for astrologers, does this make one chart better for national and the other for international interpretations?
Italy Republic Jun 10 1946 4:00pm GMT
The astrocartography of the Capricorn ingress shows Saturn and Neptune intersecting over Italy, implying the possibility of structural erosion. T Neptune (4th) inconjuncts N Pluto (9th) suggesting that home affairs are in conflict with the international status quo. Italy is supposedly the next in line to express a desire to exit from the EU (dubbed Italeave). T Mars (4th) is firmly conjunct the IC opposing its natal Mars (9th) on the MC. Italy also appears to have just past its Jupiter return and T Saturn is about to trine its natal self, both signs of internal stock taking.
A more emotive aspect it T Moon conjunct N Neptune in the 11th. There has long been issues with corruption within the Italian establishment (along with a thriving black market on the ground) that a root and branch reform would appear a necessity. The poor performance in the European Union made Italy one of what was described as the ‘PIIGS’ countries (The rest being Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain). Economically the EU has not been a success for Italy but would the economic situation become infinitely worse if they chose to leave?
Greece July 24 1974 12:00pm EET
Very similar to the US Libra rising chart, the Jupiter Uranus Pluto T square is on the angles with Jupiter on the Ascendant. While the government want to remain active within the European Union, the people are losing faith, noted by T Chiron (5th) conjunct N Jupiter. Also T Moon (12th) conjuncts N Pluto reflecting the fearful mood of the people on the status quo. Trade and stability continues to evaporate (T Neptune (5th) trine N Saturn Mercury conjunction (9th). Where tourism is a large part of the economy, economic downturns may be a significant detriment.
The Capricorn ingress signifies the seeds that are sown for the coming year. None of the above is particularly unknown and in some ways the mood of the people have gone past the pessimism one might associate with bad times. The mood is perhaps more stoical than resigned; to keep up with the changes and the confusion but determined to be involved rather than excluded as irrelevant. Yes, there are going to be storms but we can weather them.
There will be casualties and probably some fundamental shifts as the global financial reset must transition from what we have now to what it will become. The majority of people have no part to play in all of this but will none the less be affected by it (how much depends upon how prepared you are). So for December 21st to March 20th there is work to be done before the chaos begins. The Pluto Uranus Jupiter T square channels into Cancer, suggesting the people have an opportunity to focus on home and prepare as best they can for the coming storm.
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